Tuesday, August 31, 2010

why so hot, outside?

as much as I love summer I feel that it's time for it to end. this is not to say that I want winter. I just want it to be cool enough for me to not sweat out my bangs. right now it's the sort of hot that is the counterpart to the cold in winter that makes you only want to venture out of the house once at most. I've made my trip for the day.

Basically if it's not the rain keeping me inside right now, it's the sun and unrelenting heat.

but this weekend is labor day-- a symbolic end to the summer if nothing else.

Monday, August 30, 2010

I don't really eat in the corner...

...but sometimes you don't wanna go out either to get something already cooked or the proper things to make something eat. Given the apocalyptic weather that has been doing a number on D.C. this summer, sometimes you'll wanna go out or be missing something with that certain je ne sais quoi to make your meal complete. when you're trapped, nothing is out of the question in dinner corner. I'm not going to write about dinner all the time though. I'm pretty sure that I consider my whole apartment dinner corner. now you get to hear about what it's like to be trapped in here!