Tuesday, December 7, 2010

the holiday season is KILLING me. first of all I want to bake everything in sight and also make lots of festive drinks. all my other cooking-inclined friends are in the same situation, though, so there's no one to give any baked things to who actually wants MORE of them.

oh also I'm trying to get back into shape when every weekend between now and the new year is booked up with some sort of function that is framed in gluttony. this seems like it might be difficult! so instead of baking things I'm just going to make a list of things I'd like to bake and then if you want anything on the list you can tell me and I'll make it. you just have to be willing to keep me away from it!

Things I will make you:

homemade marshmallows
smores bars
rolo cookies
chinese milk bread
crack pie
spinach cheese dip
turkish delight
butter caramels
korean tacos (I need to find the right pepper paste)
sour cherry brownies
that ridiculous stuffed pumpkin/squash from dorie greenspan
southwestern rangoons (this is a recipe I'm developing)
tarte normande (basically apples in frangipane)

that's all I can remember right now, but I know this list is WAY more huge.